




91再生,2006年成立于杭州,专业的再生资源综合服务平台。91再生创立了“网+会+刊”的服务矩阵,并搭建多个垂直细分网站,全面覆盖废塑料、废金属、废橡胶、废纸、废电子电器、废纺织等九大再生资源产业,目前有200多万再生企业资源。 旗下91再生网(再生资源行业信息撮合平台)、91再生交易中心(再生资源行业在线交易平台、线下交易渠道)、91再生SAAS(垃圾分类与再生资源回收一站式信息解决方案)等三大行业领先服务内容,打造线上线下服务相结合的全方位、立体型服务新模式,促进再生资源行业产业信息化升级,积极推动我国循环经济和低碳经济的发展,助力我国经济发展方式的转变和经济结构的调整。

91 regeneration, established in Hangzhou in 2006, is a professional comprehensive service platform for renewable resources. 91 regeneration has established a service matrix of "network + conference + journal", and set up multiple vertical subdivision websites to comprehensively cover nine renewable resource industries such as waste plastics, waste metals, waste rubber, waste paper, waste electronics and appliances and waste textiles. At present, there are more than 2 million renewable enterprise resources. Its 91 renewable network (information matching platform for renewable resources industry), 91 renewable Trading Center (online trading platform and offline trading channel for renewable resources industry) and 91 renewable SaaS (one-stop information solution for waste classification and renewable resources recycling) are three industry-leading service contents to create a new omni-directional and three-dimensional service model combining online and offline services, Promote the industrial informatization upgrading of renewable resources industry, actively promote the development of China's circular economy and low-carbon economy, and help the transformation of China's economic development mode and the adjustment of economic structure.

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