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电话(Tel):+86-512-53703988 EXT 833

传真(Fax):+86-512-53703950 EXT 830


电子邮箱(E-Mail): kkchow@yechiu.com.cn

怡球—一个现代化的集团企业,跨越地球的亚洲及美洲,产业全球化是怡球的奋斗目标。1984年怡球金属熔化有限公司在马来西亚成立以来,怡球一直本着“追求卓越,勇于挑战,永续经营,向国际化发展”的经营理念,在近30年的成长历程中,始终迈着稳健的步伐前进。 2001年,怡球金属资源再生(中国)股份有限公司(公司原名:怡球金属(太仓)有限公司)的成立,快速带动了怡球产品进入中国市场,并且怡球的品牌已成为中国同行业中的佼佼者。2002年怡球集团在美国成立美国金属出口公司(America Metal Export, Inc. 简称AME),AME的成立确保了怡球集团源源不断的原料供给,随着销售额的稳步增长,怡球马来西亚在丹绒浪沙工业区新建第四个工厂,于此同时怡球太仓也在积极扩建,为怡球全球化的目标而努力。 集团在长期经营管理中,凭着自身优良的信誉,与世界各地企业建立了良好的合作伙伴关系,公司的进出额也得到了快速的增长。 怡球在发展的同时,也非常注重产业的环保。先后加入国际再生资源协会BIR和废旧循环利用工业协会ISRI,与各成员国企业携手共进,共同保护我们的地球。 感谢世界各地客户对于怡球多年的支持和信赖,怡球集团秉承着服务社会,回报社会的宗旨:为客户提供一流的品质、合理的价格、永续的服务,追求世界第一是怡球集团永恒的目标。

Ye Chiu, a modern group enterprise with it presence covering Asia and America is always committed to realizing its objective of industry globalization. Since the establishment of Ye Chiu Metal Smelting Berhad in Malaysia in 1984, it always insists on the business philosophies of Commitment to Excellence, Innovation, and Sustainability, with a global outlook. Over 30 years on, Ye Chiu is pacing into success steadily. In 2001, the establishment of Ye Chiu Metal Recycling (China) Ltd. (Formerly Ye Chiu Metal Taicang Co., Ltd.) rapidly facilitated the Ye Chiu products to enter into Chinese market. And it helps Ye Chiu to hold the leading position in Chinese industry. In 2002, Ye Chiu Group established America Metal Export, Inc. in the United States, thus assuring the continuous and stable raw material supply of Ye Chiu Group. As the stable growth of its revenue, Ye Chiu (Malaysia) built the fourth plant in Tanjung Langsa Estate. Additionally, Ye Chiu (Taicang) is also enlarging its scale to make more efforts to realize the globalization objective of Ye Chiu. With its well-recognized reputation from long-term operation and management, Ye Chiu Group has established the stable partnership with various international enterprises all over the world, and overwhelmingly boosted the import and export revenues. Ye Chiu always highly emphasize the industrial environmental protection while its rapid growth. It has become a member of BIR (Bureau of International Recycling) and ISRI (Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries .Inc.), cooperating with other members from all countries to protect our own earth. We show great acknowledgement for our customers support and trust over the years, and Ye Chiu Group will inherit the tenet of Service and contribution to the society and persist in the our objectives of offering customers with superior quality, competitive pricing, unremitting services, and non-stop innovation.

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